Completing the home Design Guide

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When designing a custom home, there are A LOT of DETAILS that our team MUST KNOW prior to beginning the Preliminary Design.

To note all of these details, the J.L. Thompson Design Group has created a form. We call it our HOME DESIGN GUIDE , or HDG for short.

It was developed EXCLUSIVELY for our Clients to use during our Design Process.

The HDG is the first step in CREATING THE VISION our Clients have for their dream home. After a few administrative questions, the HDG guides them Room-by-Room.

Starting with the Entry, the Client chooses listed options for each room and adds additional remarks or links as needed.

Some Details included in the HDG are below:

    • Room Sizes / Locations
    • Appliance Type / Dimensions / Locations
    • Number of Bedrooms / Bathrooms
    • Ceiling Heights / Treatments
    • Porch / Outdoor Space Needs

Going through the details of each room makes the HDG a lengthy document. To make the process as convenient as possible, it has a SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER feature. This feature sends the Client a link so they can continue the HDG at their convenience.

When the Client has Completed and Submitted the HDG, an electronic copy of the form is sent to the J.L. Thompson Design Group.

We then use the data to prepare notes for the Client’s Design Kick Off, our initial meeting to get the Design Process started.

The HDG lays the foundation for our team to have a successful Design Kick Off!

After the Design Kick Off, our Team refers to the meeting notes and HDG data to begin the Preliminary Home Design and throughout the entire Design Process.

The HDG REDUCES the number of follow-up questions during the Design Process and allows us to make the Appropriate Design Decisions from the BEGINNING.